Yoav Zibin, Ph.D (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
yoav.zibin at gmail.com
Photos from China and South America

1st degree grades
2nd-3rd degree grades
BAGRUT grades: JPG 1 of 2, JPG 2 of 2
Excellence program certificate, link
CV (Curriculum Vita)
MSc and PhD degrees | grades (in pdf), grades: JPG 1 of 2, JPG 2 of 2
BSc degree, grades: JPG 1 of 2, JPG 2 of 2
CTES program certificate
Hershel rich award, and it's ceremony
US patent: Method of encoding a dataset


Name (and paper in PDF) Authors Journal & link
Two-Dimensional Bi-Directional Object Layout Yossi Gil and William Pugh and Grant E. Weddell and Yoav Zibin ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), Volume 30 , Issue 5, 2008
Efficient Dynamic Dispatching with Type Slicing Yossi Gil and Yoav Zibin ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), Volume 30 , Issue 1, November 2007
Randomized Algorithms for Isomorphisms of Simple Types Yossi Gil and Yoav Zibin Mathematical Structures in Computer Science (MSCS), Volume 17, Issue 03, June 2007, pp 565-584
Efficient algorithms for isomorphisms of simple types Yossi Gil and Yoav Zibin Mathematical Structures in Computer Science (MSCS), Volume 15, Issue 05, October 2005, pp 917-957
Efficient subtyping tests with PQ-encoding Yossi Gil and Yoav Zibin ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), Volume 27 , Issue 5, September 2005, pp 819-856

Conferences & PhD dissertation

Name (and paper in PDF) Authors Conference Place Time Power Point Presentation Abstract link
Object and Reference Immutability using Java Generics (won ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award) Yoav Zibin, Alex Potanin, Mahmood Ali, Shay Artzi, Adam Kiezun, and Michael D. Ernst FSE'07 Dubrovnik, Croatia September 3-7, 2007 PPT link
PhD dissertation: Efficient Algorithms for the Runtime Environment of Object Oriented Languages Yoav Zibin. Supervisor: Dr. Joseph (Yossi) Gil Technion Israel February 17, 2004 PPT1
PPT2 (focus on dispatching)
Thesis Poster (287KB GIF): Efficient Algorithms for the Runtime Environment of Object Oriented Languages Yoav Zibin SwSTE'03 Herzelia, Israel November 4-5, 2003
Condition-based Consensus in Synchronous Systems Yoav Zibin DISC'03 Sorrento, Italy October 1-3, 2003 link
Two-Dimensional Bi-Directional Object Layout Yoav Zibin and Yossi Gil ECOOP’03 Darmstadt, Germany July 21-25, 2003 PPT link
Efficient Algorithms for Isomorphisms of Simple Types Yoav Zibin and Yossi Gil and Jeffrey Considine POPL’03 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA January 15-17, 2003 PPT link
Incremental Algorithms for Dispatching in Dynamically Typed Languages Yoav Zibin and Yossi Gil POPL’03 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA January 15-17, 2003 PPT link
Fast Algorithm for Creating Space Efficient Dispatching Tables with Application to Multi-Dispatching Yoav Zibin and Yossi Gil OOPSLA’02 Seattle, Washington, USA November 4-8, 2002 PPT link
Efficient Subtyping Tests with PQ-Encoding Yoav Zibin and Yossi Gil OOPSLA’01 Tampa Bay, Florida, USA October 14-18, 2001 PPT link

Data set of hierarchies

In this research a large database of classs hierarchies was used for the purposes of benchmarking of subtyping tests, dispatching and object-layout optimization algorithms.

Personal: My very old hobby of space colonization (in HEBREW)